Today is Sunday the 28th of August 2022 and today on YouTube - my Channel “Driving TV” reached 100K Subscribers with over 6.5 million views.

Out of 37 million channels on YouTube only 306K have reached 100K Subs and my channel is one of them, amazing. What a privilege to reach this milestone and I’m blessed. Never thought that this would happen at the time of starting and I’m speechless. I truly thank all who supported me and my channel by liking, commenting, sharing, recommending and most importantly Subscribing. Those who have been following, supporting and Subscribing please know that the channel is nothing without you, it’s you who made the channel reach where it’s at now. Without you this wasn’t possible, so THANK YOU!

The channel “Driving TV” was born to help and here to help and will continue to help.

My YouTube Channel Reached 100K Subscribers!